ADHD Support 2019 Week 18
Totally true for my sons. They get upset or go off about trivial things for me, but not so much for them.
Great ideas!
It’s a privilege to add more members to this group!
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Great ideas for a 504 plan or IEP!
Click the image below for the link to the article.
Ebook of 10 ADHD Behavior Strategies to help your child! 😉
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ADHD Support 2019 Week 17
Love these ideas to increase their self-esteem!
I think this could go for anyone, including me, but know that my son forgets a lot!
Added a few more members! Yay!
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More great ideas!
Ebook of 10 ADHD Behavior Strategies to help your child! 😉
Click the image below for your free gift!
ADHD Support 2019 Week 16
ADHD Support 2019 Week 15
ADHD Support 2019 Week 14
Good advice!
Great information and reminders!
So lucky to add new members every week!
Join our private Facebook group by clicking the image below
This applies to our ADHD kids too!
Everything I post is on my website and emailed to my subscribers. Plus, you get a great free gift! What if Facebook goes away?
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ADHD Support 2019 Week 13
Absolutely! My son has told me how he appreciates my being on his side, especially when it comes to school! My hope is that teachers will too. Do you agree?
Great advice!
Love this group!
Click the image below to join our private Facebook group!
A friend posted this and thought it was so true, especially for ADHD kids!
Everything I post is on my website and emailed to my subscribers. What if Facebook goes away?
Click the image below for your free gift!
ADHD Support 2019 Week 12
We definitely need to remind our children, so they know!
Let’s get social with our kids!
Added 10 new members to the group! How awesome is that!?
ADHD Mom Support Group (Private Facebook Group)